General Pediatric Hospital
"Dr. Pedro de Elizalde"
I was invited by the Chief of Psychology Residents to participate in the Informative Conferences on Burn Out Prevention for Psychologists and Psychiatrists. The conference was titled"Burn out Management: for Health Professionals.".
I approached this topic from Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis:
At first we discussed what stress and burn out is and how they have an effect at a physiological and psychological level.
We then discussed the particularities of work related stress and their influence in our health.
Thirdly we discussed from a Psychoanalytical perspective the functioning of the psyche of people undergoing burn out and how it manifests and structures.
We finished by discussing and practicing different techniques to prevent Burn Out and ways to counteract its effects once installed
Burn Out Management for Health Personnel. (Psychology and Psychiatry Residents)
©2018 by Alvar Mora Pereyra.